Our Real Loyalty Program…

Yes, BrandVision Marketing’s Kudos Club provides a great reward system for our valued clients, but the true loyalty motivation lies elsewhere.

Customer Satisfaction was fine in the days of Sears. Yes, Sears. Remember them? There tagline was essentially built on the concept. “Satisfaction Guaranteed” was the claim.

Not bad…for the 70’s at least. When the consumer’s buying options could be counted on two hands at most, the idea of a satisfied customer was truly enough. I mean, you get ticked at Sears…you go to Penney’s until they upset and prompt you to try Service Merchandise until you go back to Sears again.


Different story.

In today’s business climate, options are plentiful, and businesses are not looking for satisfied customers/clients. They are looking for advocates.

Loyalty programs are plentiful today and certainly spark a certain degree of repeat business and true loyalty. BrandVision Marketing can certainly point to our own program: the Kudos Club. It certainly encourages and rewards repeat and on-going business. It’s flexible enough that it rewards a client’s employees, customers or will provide a boost for themselves. However, that program is not the true motivation behind our client’s loyalty.

It’s a simple pledge given to the client that outlines true loyalty. Here is our commitment to our clients:

  1. We will never promise you something that we cannot deliver.
  2. We will never oversell you.
  3. We will continue to offer a product mix that ensures you can reach your goals through our partnership.
  4. We will always do what we can to take care of you.
  5. We will always be positive and deliver a smile and heart-felt ‘Thank You!’

That commitment drives our client’s loyalty. Yes, in the age of bots and AI, BrandVision Marketing is still strongly guided by the old school concept of relationship…accountability…and above all, going the extra mile. So, yes…relationships can drive loyalty as well, but at the end of the day, those five pledges make the difference.

We have been around since 1993 and evolved into the internet age with great Digital Marketing offerings. We started as a marketing company that worked within five areas to market a client’s business: Print, TV, Radio, Outdoor and Direct Mail. Thirty years later, that list has grown exponentially. That’s part of our pledge.

As we enter the next 30 years, that pledge will continue to be a driving force. That notion extends beyond ‘pledge’. That idea is very much a promise.

By Scott Trueblood, of BrandVision Marketing. BrandVision Marketing is a full-service marketing agency based in Knoxville, TN.

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