Introducing…Promo Pete!

Promo Pete is BrandVision Marketing’s New Swag Guy…and Your New Best Bud!

As owner of BrandVision Marketing, I will make this intro and get out of the way!

I want to officially welcome Promo Pete to the BrandVision Marketing family as our new swag guy. He’s been around the stuff his whole life and looks forward to working with you on your promotional products.

He’s a nice guy with a good sense of humor–maybe not as cool as he thinks, but I’m confident you’ll like him.

He’s already making some changes that…admittedly are making me nervous.

For example, our Budget Planner program–it’s where you pay monthly for your annual promo purchases and just buy as you need them. (So… one big event doesn’t cause budget shock!)

Well, now it’s officially, Promo Pete’s Budget Planner Club. And joining the club means free set-up on all orders…and, a 10 percent discount on other services.

If you heard a loud, frightening GULP! That was me.

But alas, what did I learn from my years in corporate America? Hire good people and get out of their way!

And, as Promo Pete points out…”If folks are committing their annual promo budget to us–we have to reward ’em.”

He’s right.

At any rate, enough from me. Here’s the man: Promo Pete

Thank you…Thank you very much!!!

First of all, let me say: “This promo stuff is supposed to be fun, so get ready for a good time!”

Giving a gift is AMAZING. Anytime you give someone a gift, two faces should light up!



And brothers and sisters…that is a blast!

Scott talks about the importance of functionality with these gifts. He talks about usability.

And, I couldn’t agree more, BUT…

These things are geared to put and leave a smile on someone’s face, while they are thinking about YOU!

That’s pretty darn special.

And that is why I love what I do. If I can help you leave smiles all around you (cue up the harp) then all is well in my world.

My first step as I start this new adventure in August of 2023?

It’s getting to know you.

So, use the link below to tell me a little about you. Tell me how you use this swag stuff. Or, ask me any questions you like. I’ll respond via email…a call or maybe in the next edition of Focus.

With that said…the mic is yours!
Promo Pete…out!


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