Digital Marketing: Is SEO Really that Important?

Digital Marketing comes with a slew of strategies to reach today’s actively shopping consumers. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of those, but how important is to strive for a ‘page one’ ranking on Google and Bing?

According to Google, 53 percent of today’s consumers conduct research using a search engine when making a buying decision. Further, 32 percent of those searches are being conducted on Google.

With that in mind, exactly how important is being among the highest ranked on the most popular search engine and its closest competitors?  



In the early stages of a website’s existence, we at BrandVision Marketing promote a two-pronged strategy. One is short-term…to an extent. The second is long-term.

The short-term is a Paid Search or Pay-per-Click (PPC) strategy. PPC involves a paid listing in which you buy (‘bid on’ to be more accurate) certain keywords, so that when that keyword is typed in, your listing appears. Your account is charged when the consumer surfs your way.

Now, PPC may not be just a short-term solution. It may need to be a much longer venture, depending on your situation. I consider it short-term in this article’s context because it can drive traffic to a site…a new or old site…while we wait for the longer-term strategy to kick in.

The long-term strategy is SEO. With still more than 60 percent of clicks coming from the organic listings, it’s very evident that long-term…big picture…if your site is relevant to your brand’s success, SEO needs to be a component.

Now, keep this in mind: Competitors are battling for the same keywords that you are. Even if you are a local company, you may have 15-30 (or more) competitors looking to rank highly on the search engines for the same coveted keywords that you are. And, if your site is new, they have a head start.

So, do the math. Search engines have maybe 8-10 listings on a page. If there are 15-30 competitors in an area for that keyword…hmm? It stands to reason that those companies engaging in active SEO programs will, indeed, be ahead of the game. And, subsequently ahead of the rankings. Meaning 60 percent of those clicks are headed their way not yours.

That is big.

So, if you are a local plumber who is trying to score a Page One Ranking on Google for the keyword “affordable plumbers Anytown USA”, and you think simply putting up a website is going to get you that ranking…well…it’s probably not going to happen. I know. Tough love coming from Ole True, but it is, indeed, true.

The cost of an SEO program varies. At BrandVision Marketing there are basically two factors: 1) Local or National; and, 2) How many keywords are we targeting? The more keywords…the more competitive the keywords, the more time needed. Thus, more expensive.

Plus, SEO should be considered an on-going expense. If you rise in the rankings and decide you’ve obtained your Page One goal and abandon the program, rest assured…others will not and will overtake you as their SEO programs yield results that help them claim your spot.

Want a no-cost, no-obligation SEO Audit? Email us at with your website’s URL…competitive sites…and keywords you are targeting and we will send you a free SEO audit.

As always, here and happy to help!

By Scott Trueblood, of BrandVision Marketing. BrandVision Marketing is a full-service marketing agency based in Knoxville, TN.

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