The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

The options are many and varied. Read more to discover the basics of Digital Marketing and how you might incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

I’ve been in ‘the business’ since the early 90’s. Despite the numerous and vast new strategies business owners employ to achieve the biggest bang for their marketing buck, one term remains central.

Marketing Mix.

Yes, the term is Marketing Mix. It was big when BrandVision Marketing was born and there were only six ways to reach consumers: Radio, TV, Print, Billboards, Direct Mail and the Yellow Pages.

Then, Marketing Mix was about reaching consumers through a variety of media…building Frequency while extending Reach.

Guess what?

It still is!

The difference was introduced in the late 90’s and has only grown in impact as years pass. That difference is, of course, the internet.

Now, a presence online is vital for many, if not most business ventures. Heck, maybe even all. Why? Because the internet has strongly impacted consumer behavior. Now, most consumers will begin the shopping process online. And, this is true regardless of industry. Automotive. Heating and Air. Insurance. Mortgage. Healthcare…from Chiropractors to Dentists. The categories impacted go on and on.

Therefore, Digital Marketing has become a strong component of any Marketing Mix.

So…what is it?

Digital marketing refers to all marketing efforts taking place online to bring consumer and company together. A business may leverage digital channels such as search engines (Google or Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, now X), email, and various other websites to connect with current and potential customers. Another component of Digital Marketing includes SMS marketing or Text Marketing, or message delivered directly to a consumer’s phone.

There are numerous strategies business need to consider undertaking in the Digital Marketing realm.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that it ranks well in the organic listings on search engines like Google (the top dog), Bing or Yahoo, and others when a consumer types in a keyword of interest. For instance, they may have a need for information on a new heating and air system. Type in ‘New HVAC Dayton OH’. Immediately, plenty of options surface for them to explore. With still more than 64 percent of ‘clicks’ from consumers coming from these organic rankings, it is vital to rank highly here.

Keep in mind, having a website is not enough to get you to the top of the rankings.


Simple. Let me give you an example. Several years ago, I had a wonderful client. They wanted a website. We built it. They loved. However, they did not want to do an SEO program. Shortly after the site went ‘live’ I got a call. “The site is not on the first page of Google!” They were surprised and disappointed.

The problem simple. They had roughly 30 competitors in their local ‘space’. About ten of those were engaged in an SEO program, utilizing directory listings, backlinks, etc. to help their sites rise in the rankings among Google. Those ten dominated the first three pages of Google for their keywords of choice. The other twenty struggled.

The bottom line is that few listing ‘spots’ are available in the organic rankings. Those companies that ‘battle’ for those spots will earn them. Those that do not, will not show up there. SEO is an important long-term Digital Marketing strategy.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) or Paid Search

If more than 60 percent of clicks are coming from organic listings, the remainder comes from paid spots when keywords are plugged in.  Whereas, SEO is a long-term strategy in Digital Marketing, PPC can be a solid short-term strategy, and may well become a staple in your Marketing Mix. A quick summary is this: You bid for a keyword and, if you earn that bid, your business appears when that keyword is typed in. If the consumer clicks it…you’re charged.

Again, this is a solid short-term strategy and when combined with SEO, covers both aspects.

Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.)

Social Media involves various platforms that consumers go to in order to connect with others online. You can essentially become your own publisher and talk up your biz to your heart is content. Make special offers…celebrate anniversaries and employees…offer discounts…you name it.

Plus, on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, for instance, you can buy ads based on highly targetable criteria. This allows you to put your message in front of a very specific prospect…something very advantageous to include in a Marketing Mix.

So…those are the basics. The fundamentals of the Digital Marketing game, if you will. But, it’s just a scratch on the surface. There are many more components. We could discuss email marketing…display advertising campaigns through the Google Network, CTV (Connected TV) and Over-the-Top (OTT) campaigns and so much more. All highly targetable ways to connect with would-be customers.

Have questions? Something pique your interest? Reach out. Always here to help answer any questions that you might have in the Marketing space.

By Scott Trueblood, of BrandVision Marketing. BrandVision Marketing is a full-service marketing agency based in Knoxville, TN.

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